Full name: Duong Tan Phuc

Birthday: 29th January 2006

Height: 1.72 meters

Education: Mac Dinh Chi high school

Country: Vietnam


   Hello! I wish you a good day. My Vietnamese name is Phuc, and Peter is my English variable. I was born on January 29th, an ordinary day. Playing video games is on my to-do list for spare time. Digital entertainment has forever been my remedy for tension alleviation. Years of gaming motivate me to pursue a career in computer programming, particularly in game design.
   Looking forward to the future, I expect to witness a perceptible transformation in my coding proficiency. I desire to be entirely capable of actualizing my ideational thinking and utilize my algorithmic mind to maximize my programs' quality. Aware of it being an arduous process, I buckle down to advance my knowledge and put extra training into programming. I wish to be widely recognized in the gaming industry. My objective is to be accomplished in five years.


    Websites that I recommend
  1. Wheel of Names | Random name picker
  2. Education New Zealand
  3. FutureMe: Write a Letter to your Future Self
    Destinations where I patronize:
  1. Nguyen Van Binh Book Street
  2. AEON mall
  3. Dam Sen Cultural Park