Full name: Pham Nguyen Thanh Long

Birthday: 22nd September 2006

Height: 1.7 meters

Education: Binh Phu High School

Country: Vietnam


   Hi! My name’s Long, also known as ‘Bruce’. For my pseudonym, I took inspiration from the character Bruce Wayne from the world-famous blockbuster ‘Batman’. My birthday is on the 22nd of September. I habitually self-entertain with books, sports, and codes in my leisure time. I’m currently enrolled in a course specializing in full-stack development at FPT Aptech to enhance my coding skills. Regarding academics, my long-term goal is to receive admission to prestigious institutions in technologically developed countries such as the United States of America. I don't have any particular celebrity to look up to. Instead, I invest every bit of my efforts in perfecting my specialty, striving to become another exemplary model. In the presentable future, specifically in five years, I envision myself being a freelancer with a wealth of experience in the field, ready to partake in propitious interviews with future employers. Five years forward, I expect to meet an eminent, well-versed, and tech-savvy version of myself. Ten years from now, I hope to finally be entrusted to hold a managerial position in a multimillion technology enterprise. That is the future profile I crave for.


    My favorite books
  1. “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
  2. “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho
  3. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
  4. “Man's search for meaning” by Viktor Frankl
    Programming languages that I’ve learned
  1. C/C++
  2. Java
  3. PHP