Full name: Ly Gia Lac

Birthday: 1st January 2006

Height: 1.8 meters

Country: Vietnam

Education: Mac Dinh Chi High School


   Hello! I’m Lac, but you can call me by my English appellation - John. My birthday is distinctively on January 1st, which coincides with New Year’s Eve. I have a habit of sports and programming. In terms of sports, football appeals to me most, and Cristiano Ronaldo is the apple of my eye. To me, he is the beau idéal of to-be figures. That's why I expect to see myself bearing the characteristics of Ronaldo five years into the future. Cristiano is too renowned for his impeccable command of soccer, undoubtedly, but his backstory is lesser-known. His prosperous career could have ended a lot sooner, at the age of fifteen, when he suffered from tragic heart disease. Luck and passion were CR7's fulcrums during that horrifying period. Fortunately, life didn't disappoint him, a laser surgery salvaged Ronaldo's fate, and the boy lived on to be the best football player in the world. His determination has incentivized me to always stay the course however harsh the circumstances. My 'five-year-later' self, more or less, will resemble Cristiano. The second personality of Ronaldo, which I admire, is laborious. Part of his successful career owes up to this. CR7 would invest extra time into training, he jumped at every opportunity to hone his expertise. The process, therefore, was much more arduous than that of his peers. Even though I may never be capable of undertaking excessive training like Ronaldo, now or five years later, one thing is certain: My perseverance will strengthen day by day. Key values embedded, I am confident my future portrait within five years will be a talented graduate with a desirable status working for his passions, as had Ronaldo.


    My Top 5 Movies
  1. Morbius
  2. Avatar
  3. Titanic
  4. Terminator
  5. Spider-man
    My Top 6 Songs
  1. Beautiful - Eminem
  2. Growing Pains II - Logic
  3. 1-800-273-8255 - Logic
  4. Lose yourself - Eminem
  5. Rap God - Eminem
  6. Godzilla - Eminem