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Using CA in the classroom
Is your class ready for Digital Technologies?
Computational Thinking Strand (CT) has 8 progress outcomes:
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes strand (DO or DDDO) has 6 progress outcomes:
Digital technologies curriculum areas
Junior (Yr 1-10) digital technologies curriculum 2018+
NCEA L1 standards 2018
NCEA Review of Achievement Standards 2021-2024
All years—CA course list
Year 9—20 week plan
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Overview of all levels
CA Junior primary curricula links
CA Senior primary curricula links
CA Middle school curricula
CA Junior high school curricula
Level 1 new NCEA standards
Level 1 previous NCEA standards
Level 2 current NCEA standards
Level 3 NCEA standards
Level 4 Unit standards
Ministry links
Canterbury University offers the CS Field Guide and CS Unplugged
NZ & CA | Code Avengers and the NZ Curriculum
Level GuideUsing CA in the classroom
Is your class ready for Digital Technologies?
Computational Thinking Strand (CT) has 8 progress outcomes:
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes strand (DO or DDDO) has 6 progress outcomes:
Digital technologies curriculum areas
Junior (Yr 1-10) digital technologies curriculum 2018+
NCEA L1 standards 2018
NCEA Review of Achievement Standards 2021-2024
All years—CA course list
Year 9—20 week plan
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Overview of all levels
CA Junior primary curricula links
CA Senior primary curricula links
CA Middle school curricula
CA Junior high school curricula
Level 1 new NCEA standards
Level 1 previous NCEA standards
Level 2 current NCEA standards
Level 3 NCEA standards
Level 4 Unit standards
Ministry links
Canterbury University offers the CS Field Guide and CS Unplugged
NZ Digital Technologies Curriculum with Code Avengers
We create and align our courses specifically to the NZ curriculum. We have created a whole new group of Junior courses for Primary schools up to Junior High Schools that are designed to meet the progress outcomes of the new digital technologies (DT) curriculum, and at younger levels, help students meet the NZ maths curriculum.
Using CA in the classroom
Use the numbered menu (1-5) to the left to see an overview of the courses by year level and how we recommend you could incorporate digital technologies into your classroom. Each course will have lesson plans that have a break down of the new progress outcomes, achievement outcomes, lesson outcomes/learning intentions as well as notes to help new teachers explain and learn the concepts and offline activities and resources.
The junior courses can be done on iPad, chromebooks and of course computers.
We recommend at primary school level students work in pairs or, especially at years 1 and 2, teachers work through the content with students as a storytime/mat activity.
At middle school level we recommend pair or individuals each to a device.
At high school it is pretty typical to have a computer per student so each student doing their own work is recommended.
Read our other guides for more information.
1: Overview of the DT curriculum
Explanations of the new Technologies curriculum. Here is the official Technologies curriculum pdf.
1.1: Is your class ready for Digital Technologies?
Digital Technologies is taking a starring role in the latest New Zealand Curriculum to ensure all learners have the digital skills they'll need to thrive in the future, and we're here to help!
Our new Junior courses for Year 1 - 10 students are aligned to meet the progress outcomes of the new Digital Technologies curriculum, while also helping younger students to meet the Maths curriculum.
We're ready to help young learners create, not just consume, our awesome digital world, and make it easy and fun for teachers to plan lessons and meet the new criteria.
From 2020, Digital Technologies programmes will:
- Be compulsory for every student from Year 1 - Year 10. This means it will become a core part of the curriculum for all primary and middle schools, then integrate with NCEA options in Year 11.
- Shift from Achievement Outcomes (AOs) to Progress Outcomes (POs). Instead of 8 AOs to meet at every curriculum level, there are only 13 POs to meet across a student's entire schooling to significantly reduce workload.
- Embed the three strands of Technological Practise, Technological Knowledge and Nature of Technology into the POs, which are focused on two technological areas: Computational Thinking and Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes. See our suggested year plans to easily meet the POs for each area and curriculum level.
- Take a non-linear approach, with POs shared across curriculum levels. Code Avenger's Junior courses are designed to support this with content to meet the PO requirements of each level while also building strong foundational skills for future POs.
Note: If you are teaching a high school technology other than Digital Technologies (DT), your area remains unchanged. Your students will still meet the old Achievement Outcomes (AOs) from the 3 strands.
1.2: Computational Thinking Strand (CT) has 8 progress outcomes:
Find them here on TKI from the MOE.
Our Junior courses; Data Representation, Computational Thinking, and Programming each have 3 levels. These 9 courses meet the first 3 progress outcomes. In our Pro track we support the iteration, programming, digital outcome and data management standards. See NCEA section for more details.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 1
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students use their decomposition skills to break down simple non-computerised tasks into precise, unambiguous, step-by-step instructions (algorithmic thinking). They give these instructions, identify any errors in them as they are followed, and correct them (simple debugging).
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 2
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students give, follow and debug simple algorithms in computerised and non-computerised contexts. They use these algorithms to create simple programs involving outputs and sequencing (putting instructions one after the other) in age-appropriate programming environments.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 3
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students decompose problems into step-by-step instructions to create algorithms for computer programs. They use logical thinking to predict the behaviour of the programs, and they understand that there can be more than one algorithm for the same problem. They develop and debug simple programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence and iteration (repeating part of the algorithm with a loop). They understand that digital devices store data using just two states represented by binary digits (bits).
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 4
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students decompose problems to create simple algorithms using the three building blocks of programing: sequence, selection, and iteration. They implement these algorithms by creating programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, basic selection using comparative operators, and iteration. They debug simple algorithms and programs by identifying when things go wrong with their instructions and correcting them, and they are able to explain why things went wrong and how they fixed them.
Students understand that digital devices represent data with binary digits and have ways of detecting errors in data storage and transmission. They evaluate the efficiency of algorithms, recognising that computers need to search and sort large amounts of data. They also evaluate user interfaces in relation to their efficiency and usability.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 5
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students independently decompose problems into algorithms. They use these algorithms to create programs with inputs, outputs, sequence, selection using comparative and logical operators and variables of different data types, and iteration. They determine when to use different types of control structures.
Students document their programs, using an organised approach for testing and debugging. They understand how computers store more complex types of data using binary digits, and they develop programs considering human-computer interaction (HCI) heuristics.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 6
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students determine and compare the cost (computational complexity) of two iterative algorithms for the same problem size. They understand the concept of compression coding for different media types, its typical uses, and how it enables widely used technologies to function.
Students use an iterative process to design, develop, document and test basic computer programs. They apply design principles and usability heuristics to their own designs and evaluate user interfaces in terms of them.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 7
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students analyse concepts in digital technologies (for example, information systems, encryption, error control, complexity and tractability, autonomous control) by explaining the relevant mechanisms that underpin them, how they are used in real world applications, and the key problems or issues related to them.
Students discuss the purpose of a selection of data structures and evaluate their use in terms of trade-offs between performance and storage requirements and their suitability for different algorithms. They use an iterative process to design, develop, document and test advanced computer programs.
Computational Thinking Progress Outcome 8
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students evaluate concepts in digital technologies (for example, formal languages, network communication protocols, artificial intelligence, graphics and visual computing, big data, social algorithms) in relation to how key mechanisms underpin them and how they are applied in different scenarios when developing real world applications
Students understand accepted software engineering methodologies and user experience design processes and apply their key concepts to design, develop, document and test complex computer programs.
Find Computational Thinking exemplars on Technology Online for most of the POs.
1.3: Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes strand (DO or DDDO) has 6 progress outcomes:
Find them here on TKI from the MOE.
Find DO exemplars on Technology Online for most of the POs.
Currently we have no Junior courses to meet this strand. Our Pro courses are the HTML-CSS and Web Development courses.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 1
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students participate in teacher-led activities to develop, manipulate, store, retrieve and share digital content in order to meet technological challenges. In doing so, they identify digital devices and their purposes and understand that humans make them. They know how to use some applications, they can identify the inputs and outputs of a system, and they understand that digital devices store content, which can be retrieved later.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 2
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing and testing digital content for a specific purpose, given particular parameters, tools, and techniques. They understand that digital devices impact on humans and society and that both the devices and their impact change over time. Students identify the specific role of components in a simple input-process-output system and how they work together, and they recognise the "control role" that humans have in the system. They can select from an increasing range of applications and file types to develop outcomes for particular purposes.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 3
In authentic contexts, students follow a defined process to design, develop, store, test and evaluate digital content to address given contexts or issues, taking into account immediate social, ethical and end-user considerations. They identify the key features of selected software and choose the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content.
Students understand the role of operating systems in managing digital devices, security, and application software and are able to apply file management conventions using a range of storage devices. They understand that with storing data comes responsibility for ensuring security and privacy.
Look at Impacts of Computing 300 - Security Siege for our Hour of Code project on this topic.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 4
In authentic contexts, students investigate and consider possible solutions for a given context or issue. With support, they use an iterative process to design, develop, store and test digital outcomes, identifying and evaluating relevant social, ethical and end-user considerations. They use information from testing and apply appropriate tools, techniques, procedures and protocols to improve the quality of the outcomes and to ensure they are fit-for-purpose and meet end-user requirements.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 5
In authentic contexts and with support, students investigate a specialised digital technologies area (for example, digital media, digital information, electronic environments, user experience design, digital systems) and propose possible solutions to issues they identify. They independently apply an iterative process to design, develop, store and test digital outcomes that enable their solutions, identifying, evaluating, prioritising and responding to relevant social, ethical and end-user considerations. They use information from testing and, with increasing confidence, optimise tools, techniques, procedures and protocols to improve the quality of the outcomes. They apply evaluative processes to ensure the outcomes are fit-for-purpose and meet end-user requirements.
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Progress Outcome 6
In authentic contexts, students independently investigate a specialised digital technologies area and propose possible solutions to issues they identify. They work independently or within collaborative, cross-functional teams to apply an iterative development process to plan, design, develop, test and create quality, fit-for-purpose digital outcomes that enable their solutions, synthesising relevant social, ethical and end-user considerations as they develop digital content.
Students integrate in the outcomes they develop specialised knowledge of digital applications and systems from a range of areas, including: network architecture; complex electronics environments and embedded systems; interrelated computing devices, hardware and applications; digital information systems; user experience design; complex management of digital information; and creative digital media.
Digital outcomes are more than e-learning
Many teachers confuse e-learning for Digital outcomes.
Look at this resource from Kia Takatū ā-Matihiko Digital Readiness programme
1.4: Digital technologies curriculum areas
Digital technologies is a foundational field for 21st century learners. Code Avengers helps teachers and learners engage with digital technologies in a project-based, cross-curricular approach. Below are the five main areas of digital technologies. All underpinned by the two areas of computer science and humans & computers.
Data Representation
Store information so that computers can efficiently move and process it.
"Explore the history of numbers and data representation, from the stone age through to the digital age. Then learn how computers store books, music, photos and games by representing data using just zeros and ones."
Set of steps to accomplish a task."Algorithms are the step-by-step instructions that you give to computers to make them solve problems. In this track you'll learn how to break down difficult problems and design creative solutions."
Writing algorithms in a language computers understand."Learn how to write programs that make computers do amazing things.
You'll create interactive animations, and develop awesome games, all with code that you'll write yourself!"
Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes Strand:
Digital Infrastructure and Devices
How do computers work? How do devices communicate with each other?"Explore how computers transfer and share data in a wired, wireless and mobile world.
Then learn how to keep your computer free from viruses, modify databases and protect your precious data from evil hackers."
Digital Media and Applications
Design & build digital applications & systems that meet human needs."Explore the magical tools and techniques used to build engaging apps, games and websites. Dive into the world of design and human-computer interaction as you learn to create the perfect user experience."
1.5: Junior (Yr 1-10) digital technologies curriculum 2018+
The Junior Curriculum overview slides provide some guidance for teachers on the new Digital Technologies curriculum, as well as details on current and upcoming Code Avengers courses that support the delivery of it.
1.6: NCEA L1 standards 2018
These slides provide some guidance for teachers on the differences between the original (2011) and current Digital Technologies Achievement Standards, as well as details on current Code Avengers courses that support the delivery of these standards.
1.7: NCEA Review of Achievement Standards 2021-2024
While we don't currently have a detailed alignment to the new NCEA achievement standards being developed as part of the Review of Achievement Standards (RAS), our level 1 Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS courses still cover the learning required for these.
2: Year plan suggestions
2.1: All years—CA course list
Each course will take about 10 hours of teaching, including activities and teacher explanations. Each Project is between 30 mins to 1 1/2 hours long, dependant of the lesson plan and content.
This is our recommended order of completing the junior courses and the levels to best introduce the Programming O content.
You could do Programming 1 first, or all Data Representation 1, Computational Thinking 1 and Programming 1 in Year 3 or whatever suits your students.
Suggested teaching order:
Junior Primary | Senior Primary | Middle/Intermediate years | |||
Age | Course Name | Age | Course Name | Age | Course Name |
5-6 | Data Representation 1 | 8-9 | Computational Thinking 2 | 11-12 | Computational Thinking 3
Computational Thinking 200, Data Representation 200, Digital Media 300, Programming 100 |
6-7 | Computational Thinking 1 | 9-10 | Programming 2 | ||
7-8 | Programming 1 | 10-11 | Data Representation 2 | 12-13 | Programming 3 Data Representation 3 |
2.2: Year 9—20 week plan
At the end of year 9 students are expected to meet Progress Outcome 4 in the Computational Thinking strand and PO2 of the Digital Outcomes strand, working towards PO3.
Many schools will have varied timetables- some only get 6 weeks, some a term, some 2 terms.
Not many have a whole year at Yr 9 for Digital Technologies. Below is a suggestion of possible CA courses, but we would recommend a mix of Code Avengers and other resources to build student interest and ability.
Ideas for 20 weeks of teaching at Year 9
Week | Term 1 Programming and Web Dev | Term 2 Graphic design/Modelling |
1 | Intro to computers | Write a brief or draw conceptual sketch for creating own graphic |
2 | Intro to websites
HTML-CSS HTML/CSS 101 Make a web postcard (1 hr) | |
3 | Computer Science
AL0 - Develop computational thinking skills (1 hr) | Graphic design- learn to use pixlr or gimp or photoshop to make graphics. Learn about Vector vrs Bitmap.
Could be a competition |
4 | Programming
JavaScript 105 Food Frenzy Game Development Make a game with JavaScript and learn coordinates (1 hr) | |
5 | PaperScript: Drawing based unplugged activities like tangrams/activities | |
6 | Programming
PaperScript Flags Draw flags of the world (1 hr) | Explore how the form of a product is designed to meet it's function. E.g, Why don't we make coffee cups from butter? What does a cup need to be used as a cup? |
7 | Programming
Python Turtles Use a turtle to draw shapes (1 hr) | |
8 | Web Development
Photo app Build a photo app (1 hr) | 3d Modelling
Learn about functional modelling/ prototyping Use Sketch Up,or similar software, to create 3d models. |
9 | Explore history of technology | |
10 |
2.3: Year 10
Week | Term 1 Computational Thinking | Term 2 Programming | Term 3 Web Dev | Term 4 Graphic design |
1 | Intro- computer rules etc | Javascript 0 Build a quiz | Teach how to write a brief or draw a conceptual sketch for website | Principles of good design CRAP- Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity |
2 | Algorithms 0:
Logical thinking and learning about algorithms.
Could be a competition | |||
3 | HTML CSS 0 Make a website. | Graphic design- learn to use pixlr or gimp or photoshop to make graphics. Learn about Vector vrs Bitmap. | ||
4 | ||||
5 | Game projects Make an array of increasingly difficult games. | Web Development 0: Make 3 apps | ||
6 | ||||
7 | History of ICT create presentations exploring the development of information and communication technology. | Python 0 Learn the bare bones of coding | Digital Systems 1 How the web works | |
8 | ||||
9 | Assessment or team project? | Assessment or project? | Assessment or project? | |
10 |
2.4: Year 11
Year plan for year 11 using HTML-CSS 1, Design 1, HCI 1 and JavaScript 1...with Web Development 1 as an extra option.
NZ Govt assessments: Free to use. Must be modified.
NZ Assessment Standards
Week | Term 1 Design & Websites | Term 2 Design & Websites | Term 3 Comp Sci | Term 4 Programming |
1 | Intro- computer rules etc | Bits of design 1 - 2 Learn and apply Typography and Color Theory to your website design.
Build a portfolio of websites based on design elements (website hunt/ challenge) | HCI 1 Learn about human and computer interactions. | JavaScript 1 |
2 | HTML and CSS 1: Learn to make and style a basic website. | Programming assessment Build a basic program. | ||
3 | Write external report HCI | |||
4 | 1.2 Students design their basic website for assessment. | Study leave and trips etc usually make end of term 4 a write off.
Fill with game projects or Web Development 1 Build an app | ||
5 | ||||
6 | US25659-make a webpage A small assessment to practice for the bigger one in term 2. | Recap HTML/CSS by doing HTML CSS Intro
Going back to HTML now and students should do our intro course as a recap. | Computer Science: Programming Languages 1
What are programming languages and how do we use them? This course will teach you what features they contain, the difference between high level and low level languages, and what a compiler is. | |
7 | Digital systems 1: How the internet works CA | Assessment 1.4 and 1.8
Students make a basic website and also produce a report on their process of design/making the website showing their iterations of design and code. The iterations assessment is a big project and will need time to be written well. | ||
8 | ||||
9 | Find resources on ethic, legality, privacy | JavaScript 1 | ||
10 | Bits of design 1 - 2 Learn and apply Typography and Color Theory to your website design.
Build a portfolio of websites based on design elements (website hunt/ challenge) |
2.5: Year 12
Year 12
Week | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 |
1 | Intro- computer rules etc | Graphic design Design Theory Design 2: Color Theory | JavaScript 2 or Python 2 Advanced Programming | JQuery 1 |
2 | HTML and CSS 2: Learn to make and style an advanced website. | Database assessment 2.41 | ||
3 | Create graphic design for website.
AS2.42 (91369) (int - 4)
AS2.10 (91363) (ext 4 credits) (not sure how suitable) | |||
4 | Programming assessment 2.46 | Study leave and trips etc usually make end of term 4 a write off.
Fill with game projects or Comp sci stuff. | ||
5 | ||||
6 | Develop a conceptual design for a website AS2.3 (91356) (int 6 credits) | Recap with Intro to HTML/CSS Going back to HTML now and students should do our intro course as a recap. | Web Development 2 with Firebase. | |
7 | AS 2.43 (91370) (int - 4)
Students make an advanced website in our web IDE NOTE students MUST include 2 original media so we recommend a graphic design. | |||
8 | US25656-make a website
A small assessment to practice for the bigger one in term 2. Students make a basic website in our web IDE | |||
9 | ||||
10 | Graphic design Design Theory Design 2: Color Theory | JavaScript 2 or Python 2 Advanced Programming | JQuery 1 |
2.6: Year 13
Week | Term 1 Web | Term 2 Programming | Term 3 Databases | Term 4 |
1 | HTML and CSS 3: Learn to make and style a responsive website. | JavaScript 3 or Python 3 | Web Development 3ns: [with Firebase. JQuery 1 Note: externals are usually done around term 3 if you are planning them. | Computer Science (No courses yet)) |
2 | ||||
3 | ||||
4 | Study leave and trips etc usually make end of term 4 a write off.
Fill with game projects or Comp sci stuff. | |||
5 | ||||
6 | ||||
7 | ||||
8 | ||||
9 | ||||
10 |
3: CA by level—Yr 1 to Yr 10
Find links to courses, resource and assessments matched to NZ school levels.
3.1: Overview of all levels
CA Course | Age | NZ Curriculum Levels | School Year | Group |
CA Jnr level 1 DR1, CT1, PR1 | 5-8 | Curriculum level 1-2 | 1, 2, & 3 | Junior Primary |
CA Jnr level 2 DR2, CT2, PR2 | 8-11 | Curriculum level 2-3 | 4, 5, & 6 | Senior Primary |
CA Jnr level 3 DR3, CT3, PR3 | 11-13 | Curriculum level 4 | 7 & 8 | Middle School |
CA Pro Intro 0 HoC, Intro | 13-15 | Curriculum level 4-5 | 9 & 10 | Junior High |
CA Pro level 1 !-JS1, PY1, SE1 !-HT1,WD1, DE1 !-AL1,HC1, PL1 | 15-16 | NCEA 1 level 5-6 | 11 | Senior High |
CA Pro level 2 !-JS2, PY2, SE1 !-HT2,WD2, DE2 JQ1 | 16-17 | NCEA 2 level 7 | 12 | |
CA Pro level 3 !-JS3, PY3, SE1 !-HT3,WD3 | 17-19 | NCEA 3 level 8 | 13 |
What do the codes mean?
Codes | |||||
DR | Data Representation | CT | Computational Thinking | PR | Programming |
HoC | 1 hour projects for Hour of Code | Intro | Introductionary courses, level 0 | AL | Algorithms |
JS | JavaScript | PY | Python | HT | HTML and CSS |
SE | Software Engineering (Planning) | WD | Web development | DE | Design |
HC | HCI- Human & computer interactions | PL | Programming languages | JQ | JQuery |
3.2: CA Junior primary curricula links
These CA Junior level 1 courses are for 5-8 year olds at Curriculum levels 1-2.
Suggested teaching order:
Year 1 | Data Representation 1—A Carnival Crisis | DR1 | DR1 Notes |
Year 2 | Computational Thinking 1—Camping Adventure | Computational Thinking 1 | Computational Thinking 1 Notes |
Year 3 | Programming 1—Stormy Day | Programming 1 | Programming 1 Notes |
Data Representation 1—A Carnival Crisis
Data Representation 1—A Carnival Crisis | |
Course: DR1 | Teacher Notes: DR1 Notes |
Story A [[ crisis: Aunt Kate has a problem, she has to make sure that everything is ready for the grand opening of the Carnival and has fallen sick. Ava and Cody are ready to help, but they need your help to collect, sort, and display data so that they can report back to Aunt Kate that everything has been done. ||c2, NZ curriculum Level 1 NZ Digital Technologies - Foundational for Computational Thinking PO3: "Understand that digital devices store data using just two states represented by binary digits (bits)." NZ Maths - This course contributes towards level one achievement outcomes NA1-1, NA1-2, NA1-3, NA1-4, NA1-5, NA1-6, in the Numbers and Algebra topic, the first achievement outcome of Geometry level 1, and models a statistical inquiry (S1-1) NZ English Listening, Viewing - Language features NZ Financial Capability MM1-3; 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Australian curriculum ACTDIK002 Recognise and explore patterns in data and represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams. ACTDIP003 Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively. |
Computational Thinking 1—Camping Adventure
Computational Thinking 1—Camping Adventure | |
Course: Computational Thinking 1 | Teacher Notes:Computational Thinking 1 Notes |
Story Help Tilley and Charlie get to the campsite or see the shooting stars? Learn that algorithms can solve your problems by breaking things down into ordered steps or instructions. | |
NZ curriculum Level 1 NZ Digital Technologies - PO1 In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students use their decomposition skills to break down simple non-computerised tasks into precise, unambiguous, step-by-step instructions (algorithmic thinking). NZ Mathematics GM1-1, GM1-4, GM2-5 NZ English Reading, Writing - Structure Language features NZ Science Planet Earth and beyond - Interacting systems, Astronomical systems. Australian curriculum ACTIK001 Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose ACTDIP004 Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems |
Programming 1—Stormy Day
Programming 1—Stormy Day | |
Course: Programming 1 | Lesson plans: Programming 1 Notes |
Story Find out what happened at the beach that day? Why are Lonnie and Alex friends again? Retell the story through writing animation programs and find a few bugs on the way. | |
NZ curriculum Level 1 NZ Digital Technologies
NZ English Reading, Writing - Language features, Structures NZ Science Living world - Life processes. Australian curriculum ACTDIP004 Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems |
3.3: CA Senior primary curricula links
These CA Junior level 2 courses are for 8-11 year olds at Curriculum levels 2-3 (Years 4, 5 and 6).
Suggested teaching order:
Year 4 | Data Representation 2—Museum Mystery | Course: DR2 | Lesson plans: DR2 Notes |
Year 5 | Computational Thinking 2—Zoo | Course: Computational Thinking 2 | Lesson plans: Computational Thinking 2 Notes |
Year 6 | Programming 2—Gear up for safety | Course: Programming 2 | Lesson plans: Programming 2 Notes |
Data representation 2—Museum Mystery
Data representation 2—Museum Mystery | |
Course: DR2 | Teacher Notes: DR2 Notes |
Story: Join Cody and Ava as they learn about the history of human communication. Along the way you'll uncover hidden clues that reveal a mysterious secret. | |
NZ curriculum Level 2 and 3 NZ Digital Technologies PO3 Understand that digital devices store data using just two states represented by binary digits (bits). NZ Technology Level 2 Nature of technology NZ Mathematics NA 2-1, NA2-3, NA2-6, NA2-7, NA2-8, GM2-5, GM2-6, NA3-1, NA3-2, NA3-3, NA3-8, GM3-5 NZ Science Physical World - Physical inquiry and physics concepts NZ Social Sciences 2-3, 3-2, 3-5 Australian curriculum ACTDIK008 Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways ACTDIK015 Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems |
Computational Thinking 2—Zoo
Computational Thinking 2—Zoo | |
Course: Computational Thinking 2 | Lesson plans: Computational Thinking 2 Notes |
Story "There are some very strange goings on at the this zoo! Develop your logic skills and learn to make the best decision. Discover what is behind the "Restricted Access" door" | |
NZ curriculum Level 2 and 3 NZ Digital technologies curriculum PO2 In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students give, follow and debug simple algorithms in computerised and non-computerised contexts. They use these algorithms to create simple programs involving outputs and sequencing (putting instructions one after the other) in age-appropriate programming environments. NZ Mathematics NA2-1, NA2-6, NA2-8, GM2-3, GM2-5, GM2-6, GM3-5 NZ English Reading, Writing - Purposes and audiences NZ Science Living World - Evolution Australian Curriculum ACTDIP010 Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them. |
Programming 2—Gear Up For Safety
Programming 2—Gear Up For Safety | |
Course: Programming 2 | Teacher Notes:Programming 2 Notes |
Story If more falls and scrapes happen the teachers are threatening to close the bike park! Learn how to design computer programs that will create interactive safety apps and quizzes. Find out how computers can help in the decision making process. | |
NZ curriculum Level 2 and 3 NZ Digital technologies curriculum PO2 In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students ... use algorithms to create simple programs involving outputs and sequencing (putting instructions one after the other) in age-appropriate programming environments. PO3 In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students... ...develop and debug simple programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence and iteration (repeating part of the algorithm with a loop). They understand that digital devices store data using just two states represented by binary digits (bits). NZ Mathematic GM2-5, GM2-6, GM3-5 NZ Health and PE -A3 safety management Australian Curriculum ACTDIP011 Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input |
3.4: CA Middle school curricula
These CA Junior level 3 courses are for 10 - 13 year olds at Curriculum level 4 (Years 7 and 8).
Suggested teaching order:
Year 7 | Free JR projects | Projects: Computational Thinking 200, Data Representation 200, Digital Media 300, Programming 0 | CT 200, DR200, DM300, PR0 |
Data Representation 3—Counting Through Time | Course: DR3 | Lesson plans: DR3 Notes | |
Year 8 | Computational Thinking 3—The Best Robot Restaurant | Course: Computational Thinking 3 | Lesson plans: Computational Thinking 3 Notes |
Programming 3—Larrson Castle | Course: Programming 3 | Lesson plans: Programming 3 Notes |
Data representation 3—Numbers Through Time
Data representation 3—Numbers Through Time | |
Course: DR3 | Lesson plans: DR3 Notes |
Story Professor Smart wants to destroy the foundations of technology, our systems of math. Unary, binary, and decimal, oh my! Cody and Ava need your support, and an understanding of place value, to save the history of the world. | |
NZ curriculum Level 3 and 4 NZ Technology - Nature of Knowledge level 3: Characteristics of technology
NZ Math level 3: NA3-1, NA3-4, NA3-6, GM3-5,
NZ Digital Technology Computational Thinking PO3 (level 4) They understand that digital devices store data using just two states represented by binary digits (bits).
Australian Curriculum |
Computational Thinking 3—The Best Robot Restaurant
Computational Thinking 3—The Best Robot Restaurant | |
Course: Computational Thinking 3 | Lesson plans: Computational Thinking 3 Notes |
Story Tilley and Charlie need to save their robot restaurant. Ross the robot is there to help. Using patterns and reading /comparing and designing efficent algorithms you can help them make it "The Best Robot Restaurant". | |
NZ Digital: Computational Thinking
Progress Outcome 3
Progress Outcome 4 |
Programming 3—Larrson Castle
Programming 3—Larrson Castle | |
Course: Programming 3 | Lesson Plans: Programming 3 Notes |
Story Alex and Lonnie create a tourism app for Larrson Castle, and stumble onto a secret. | |
Curricula | |
NZ Curriculum
Progress Outcome 3
Progress Outcome 4
NZ Math GM3-1, GM3-3, GM3-5 |
3.5: CA Junior high school curricula
These CA courses are for 12 - 15 year olds at around curriculum levels 4-5 in the school years 9 and 10.
Year 9 | Level 4 Junior courses | Digital Infrastructure 4 - Wired, wireless and cell data Programming 4 - Program animations Data Representation 4 - Audio and images in binary Data Representation 400 - Basic binary project | |
Free Programming courses | Projects: JavaScript 103, JavaScript 105, Python 100, AL0, HTML/CSS 101, Web Development 100 | Lesson plans: Free Programming notes | |
Year 10 | Intro courses | Projects: Python 0, HT0, JavaScript 0, Web Development 0 | Lesson plans: Intro notes |
Data representation 4 - Reality bytes
Data representation 4 - Reality bytes | |
Course: DR4 | Lesson plans: DR4 Notes |
Story Discover how sound, text, and images are represented on digital devices and how AI deals with our big data. | |
NZC Digital Technologies
Computational thinking progress outcome 5. This course was written to explicitly meet Students understand how computers store more complex types of data using binary digits (bits). YR9 students understand that digital data is represented with 1s and 0s. YR10 students understand how text, image, and audio are represented on a computer. Designing and developing digital outcomes progress outcome 3 Students identify the key features of selected software and choose the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content. By learning about MP3, Wav, MIDI for audio and Vector and Bitmap for images this unit also supports "YR10 students can choose the best file types for the job." NZC Science Physical World - Physical inquiry and physics concepts YR10 students will explore a technological application of physics.(Science Achievement Outcome Level 5 Physical world, Using physics) YR10 students will identify and describe the patterns associated with physical phenomena found in movement, sound waves, and light waves. (Science Achievement Outcome Level 5 Physical world, Physical inquiry and physics concepts) NZC Mathematics Number and algebra, and Statisitics A strong component of this course is understanding and comparing discrete (whole-number) and continuous (time-series) data. This relates strongly to Mathematics Achievement Outcomes in Level 3-5 Statistics. This course explores the uses of the binary number system, and will aid students in a meta understanding of the decimal number system. This has no strong correlations to a specific Mathematics Achievement Outcome but is certainly a Mathematics concept. |
Digital infrastructure 4 - Networks
Digital infrastructure 4 - Networks | |
Course: DI4 | Lesson plans: DI4 Notes |
Story Learn how data is transmitted and routed through various networks. | |
New Zealand curriculum
The topics covered in this course are not explicitly mentioned at progress outcome 4 but this course would serve as foundation knowledge for Progress Outcome 6 (Students integrate in the outcomes they develop specialised knowledge of digital applications and systems from a range of areas, including: network architecture) |
Programming 4 - Mind vs. machine
Programming 4 - Mind vs. machine | |
Course: Programming 4 | Lesson Plans: Programming 4 Notes |
Story Program animated scenes, LED costumes, dancing robots, and other apps for a smart school production. | |
Curricula | |
NZ Digital Technologies Curriculum Our Programming 4 course covers material from level 4-5 of the NZ Curriculum and is suitable for students Years 8-10, aged 12-14 years. The Programming course introduces concepts that meet the programming component of Progress Outcomes 4 and 5 in the Computational Thinking area of the NZ Digital Technology curriculum content. This includes: In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students decompose problems to create simple algorithms using the three building blocks of programing: sequence, selection, and iteration. (PO4-5) They use these algorithms to create programs with inputs, outputs, sequence, selection using comparative and logical operators and variables of different data types, and iteration. (PO5) Debug simple algorithms and programs by identifying when things go wrong with their instructions and correcting them, and they are able to explain why things went wrong and how they fixed them. (PO4) They determine when to use different types of control structures. (PO5) NZ Mathematics Curriculum GM3-1 Measurement Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length ... angle, ... and time. GM3-5 Position and orientation - Use co-ordinate system, language of direction / distance to specify location & specify paths. |
4: NCEA links and resources
4.1: Level 1 new NCEA standards
These Achievement Standards were piloted in 2023 and available from 2024.
Level 1 Digital Technologies Standards | ||||||
Standard # | D.T. Ref. | Name | CA Course | Lesson Plans | Assessments? | Credits |
AS92004 | 1.1 | Create a computer program | Python level 1 or JavaScript level 1 | NCEA Website | 5 | |
AS92005 | 1.2 | Develop a digital technologies outcome | HTML/CSS level 1, Design will help | Plan | NCEA Website | 5 |
AS92006 | 1.3 | Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces | HCI level 1 | External | 5 | |
AS92007 | 1.4 | Design a digital technologies outcome | Design will help | External | 5 |
An * means we have an assessment available for subscribing teachers. Contact to request them.
4.2: Level 1 previous NCEA standards
These Achievement standards could be used during 2023/2024 during the transition to the new Achievement standards.
Helpful Links:
New govt resources for assessments Free to use. Must be modified.
Old NZ Govt assessments and resource links
NZ Achievement Standards
NZ Govt Clarifications
List of unit standards
NEW Level 1 Digital Technologies Standards | ||||||
Standards | DT# | Name | CA Course | Resources | Assessments | Cred. |
25659 v3 US Internal | Create a web page using a mark-up language with a text editor | HTML/CSS Intro | Plan | Create a webpage* | 2 | |
91877 v1 Internal | 1.1 | Develop a proposal for a digital outcome | None | None | Govt 1.1A v1 Govt 1.1B v1 | 3 |
91878 v1 Internal | 1.2 | Develop a design for a digital outcome | Design | Design posters | Govt 1.2A and 1.3A v1 Govt 1.2B v1 | 3 |
91879 v1 Internal | 1.3 | Develop a digital outcome to manage data | Web Development 1 | Google Sheets and Google App Script Tutorial (slideshow) | Govt 1.2A and 1.3A v1 Govt 1.3B v1 | 4 |
91880 v1 Internal | 1.4 | Develop a digital media outcome | HTML/CSS 1 | HTML/CSS 1 Lesson Notes CA Planning videos | CA Make a website* Govt 1.4A and 1.8A v1 Govt 1.4B v1 Govt 1.4C v1 | 4 |
91881 v1 Internal | 1.5 | Develop an electronics outcome | None | None | Govt 1.5A v1 Govt 1.5B v1 | 6 |
91882 v1 Internal | 1.6 | Develop a computer system | None | None | Govt 1.6A v1 Govt 1.6B v1 | 4 |
91883 v1 Internal | 1.7 | Develop a computer program | Python 1 JavaScript 1 | JavaScript Lesson notes | CA guessing game* Govt 1.7A v1 Govt 1.7B and 1.8B v1 | 4 |
91884 v1 Internal | 1.8 | Use basic iterative processes to develop a digital outcome | Planning 1 will help | None | Govt 1.4A and 1.8A v1 Govt 1.7B and 1.8B v1 | 6 |
91885 v1 Internal | 1.9 | Demonstrate understanding of searching and sorting algorithms | Algorithms 1 | Algorithms Lesson Notes | Govt 1.9A v1 Govt 1.9B v1 | 3 |
91886 External | 1.10 | Demonstrate understanding of human computer interaction | HCI 1 | None | None Term 3 the first assessment is available | 3 |
91887 External | 1.11 | Demonstrate understanding of compression coding for a chosen media type | None | None | None | 3 |
US25659 v3 | Create a web page using a mark-up language with a text editor | HTML/CSS Intro | Plan | Create a webpage* | 2 |
Govt links to the Government assessment resources.
4.3: Level 2 current NCEA standards
Level 2 Digital Technologies Standards | ||||||
Standard | D.T. Ref. | Name | CA Course | Lesson Plans & Resources | Assessment | Credits |
US29776 v1 | Use the main features of an HTML editor to create a website | HTML/CSS level 1 or level 2 | 4 | |||
AS91892 | 2.3 | Use advanced techniques to develop a database | Web Dev level 2 (Apps with firebase) | Database website* | 4 | |
AS91893 | 2.4 | Use advanced techniques to develop a digital media outcome | HTML/CSS level 2 and our design courses | Plan Web design guide | Digital media website* | 4 |
AS91896 | 2.7 | Use advanced programming techniques to develop a computer program | Python level 2 or JavaScript level 2 | Program Planning | Python Assessment* or JS Assessment* | 6 |
US25656 v4 Expired | Create a website using a mark-up language to meet a set brief | HTML/CSS intro or level 1 | US2656 Student Assessment Resources | US25656 Assessment - Teacher Only | 3 |
An * means we have an assessment available for subscribing teachers. Contact to request them.
4.4: Level 3 NCEA standards
Here is the link to approved assessments for university entrance. Note the computer unit standards so not go towards UE and students need 14 credits.
Level 3 Digital Technologies Standards | ||||||
Standard | Code | Name | CA Course | Lesson Plans & Resources | Assessment | Credits |
US29788 | Develop and evaluate an interactive website for organisational use | HTML/CSS Level 2 & other | US29804 Student/Tauira Assessment Resources- Contains resources helpful for US29788 | Template assessment booklet — Template assessment marking schedule | 5 | |
AS91902 | 3.3 | Use complex techniques to develop a database | Web Dev level 3 (Apps with firebase) | Database website* | 4 | |
AS91903 | 3.4 | Use complex techniques to develop a digital media outcome | HTML/CSS level 3 | Complex Website* | 4 | |
AS91906 | 3.7 | Use complex programming techniques to develop a computer program | Python level 3 or JavaScript level 3 | Program Planning | Python Task* or JS Task* | 6 |
An * means we have an assessment available for subscribing teachers. Contact to request them.
4.5: Level 4 Unit standards
Level 4 Digital Technologies Standards | ||||||
Standard | Code | Name | CA Course | Lesson Plans | Assessment | Credits |
US29804 | Develop and evaluate an interactive website for a stakeholder | HTML/CSS Level 3 & other | US29804 Student/Tauira Assessment Resources | Exemplar assessment | 5 |
5: For new teachers
Welcome! Code Avengers is, of course, a great place to expand your own learning, take our pro courses yourself. Look at our teacher support material - the guides, unplugged activities and lesson plans- see the teacher dashboard, but there are also a range of other amazing resources out there:
5.1: Ministry links
The ministry has a lot of good resources but boy are they hard to find.
Digital readiness site: Learning webinars Primary learning progressions Australia Bebras 365
New govt resources for assessment Free to use. Must be modified.
Old NZ Govt assessments and resource links
NZ Achievement Standards
NZ Govt Clarifications
TKI has resources on Achievement Standards. Be aware that there are "clarifications", "conditions of assessment" and "exemplars" for these but they are NOT clearly linked together...
New standards with some explanation of what they are.
Actual standards that get updated.
Ministry assessments that you can take, modify and use with your class.
Free ministry learning programmes written mostly by Jennifer Gottschalk
Find a list of computing unit standards on NZQA
Search for information on assessment standards on NZQA
NZQA has information on Unit Standards in Computing and Information Technology.
Check if your school has "Consent to Assess"
5.2: Canterbury University offers the CS Field Guide and CS Unplugged
CS Field Guide
Student version
Teacher version
List of all interactives
CS Unplugged
Classic CS Unplugged
CS Unplugged 2.0
Code Club
DTTA -Digital Technologies Teachers' Association
This is THE NZ forum to be a part of. A very active group the gives you access to support and experts for a small fee.
Progress outcomes of the new DT curriculum (announced 8 Dec 2017)
Communications of the ACM
Jennifer Gottshalk's programming lessons
HCI facebook page for collecting heuristic examples
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